Lia Puspita Sari
Gancar Candra Premananto
Children with disabilities often face challenges in gaining equal access and opportunities in economic empowerment, thus affecting their potential development and contribution in society. However, if given equal opportunity and access, children with disabilities have the same potential to develop and contribute to society. Creating Shared Value for the economic empowerment of children with disabilities, which is in line with the SDGs by contributing to the achievement of SDG number 4, Quality Education, by providing inclusive education and training opportunities for children with disabilities, and SDG number 10, Reduction of Inequality, through the social and economic inclusion of children with disabilities in society. Thus the CSV strategy is a progressive step in supporting the 2030 Agencies for Sustainable Development. The research method used is quantitative causality by identifying stakeholders, social impact indicators, data collection, moterization value and then calculating the SROI value. The results obtained a ratio of 7.17 which means that every Rp. 1 invested in the Daya Sinergi Airlangga program, will generate a social return of Rp. 7.17 rupiah. This SROI value is quite high and produces a fairly high return.